Renaissance Home Connect
Renaissance Home Connect is…
Connecting Parents and Extending Practice
Renaissance Home Connect improves the school-to-home connection by allowing parents and students to log in to a Web site and view the student’s reading practice and progress towards goals. Access to online results promotes discussion between parents and students, which motivates students and can make reading practice even more effective. In addition, parents can specify up to six email addresses to receive automatic updates in English or Spanish on their student’s progress.
How does Renaissance Home Connect help me improve my child’s
reading progress?
     • You can view your child’s progress toward reading goals and reader certification,  and view all books that your child has
       read and quizzes your child has taken.
     • You can view all words a child has learned through Vocabulary Practice Quizzes. In addition, words the child missed are
       clearly marked so you can help your child learn those words.
     • You can access an online search tool, AR BookFinder, to search for books using various criteria, including author,
       subject, or reading level.
     • You can receive emails that reveal results for Reading Practice Quizzes and Vocabulary Practice Quizzes and provide
       links to the Web site where you can check progress.
To learn more about Renaissance Home Connect, click the links below to view a short instructional video: